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Dirty Little Sins: An Enemies to Lovers Mafia Romance (Dirty Sins Duet) Page 3

  "Don't worry about that," Julie assured. "I've got a list for my list and so many alarms set on my phone there is no way I will not know what's going on at all times."

  "Good. Now don't just stand there, you've got details to work out and I need to get ready so we can jumpstart this insanity already."

  I needed the perfect outfit and fortunately, my wardrobe was the only thing my bastard of an ex-husband had not bothered to take from me. It really was the only thing though. Bitterness welled in my throat, threatening to choke me. The reminder of that, however small, was more than I could handle at the moment. I gritted my teeth and pushed it down and out of my mind. That bastard didn't deserve another second of my time and this was not how I was going to start my first day at the Sinclair.

  I disappeared into the enormous walk-in closet directly off of the bathroom and soaked up the decadence of real wood built ins with the faint, but distinct scent of cedar lining the enormous space. Not to mention the lush thick carpeting cushioning my feet and the real crystal chandelier that lit the room in a way that made everything inside sparkle.

  I might not be able to afford such luxuries anymore, but I could certainly take advantage of them when they were offered for free. So far, no one had figured out just how broke I was. Or if they had figured it out, they'd kept the information to themselves. The press had speculated about our divorce settlement, but even they couldn't be sure. The one thing I'd done right was make Dante sign an iron clad non-disclosure agreement regarding the settlement of our divorce. If he broke it, then he would forfeit everything he'd taken.

  As I selected a silk pantsuit in my favorite shade of green, I tried hard to forget how my savings had been depleted as well as the fact that all of my immediate cash reserves had basically been stolen by a man who had done nothing to either earn or deserve them.

  I hated the bitterness those facts had seared into my mind. But it couldn't be helped. Not when I didn't know which was worse. Trying to make a full financial recovery after losing almost everything while on a precarious public perch, or knowing that I'd taken a risk I couldn't afford because one out of this world gorgeous man had offered me a taste of something I'd never tried and paid dearly for it.

  I swear I'd never considered myself a true risk taker before now. But looking back at the last few years that obviously wasn't the case. Opening the dessert bar in Manhattan had been a venture ripe for failure, but had taken off in directions I couldn't have expected.

  The show had been an unexpected bonus. A happy accident actually. And while it was still trying to find a big enough of an audience to keep going for a second season, I'd been nominated for an award that could make or break its success.

  I was slowly but surely building an empire, one where I would be the queen. Or at least the one in control of my own future. I stood in front of the mirror and examined my appearance from hair and makeup to my designer pumps that would soon be last season.

  I didn't give a shit about stupid things like that except for the fact if I wasn't careful these little details would be noticed and reported on. And I didn't need the added complication of being on some douchebag’s fashion faux pas list. I had enough to worry about.

  I made a mental note to send Julie on a hunt for some classic vintage clothing. If I couldn't afford haute couture, then I would make a purposeful statement with vintage clothes. I smiled, really liking that idea.

  As long as I kept an iron tight grip on that confidence everything would work out fine. It had to.

  Now it was time to greet the day head on, with my first stop being the kitchen. I needed to know exactly what I had to work with so I could determine what I would need to order to pull tonight's rabbit out of my hat.

  A glance at the clock showed it had only taken me thirty minutes to get ready, which normally gave me more of a head start than I had planned on. But the sudden change in plans now meant I was running woefully behind.

  I grabbed my bag and shoved my tablet and phone into it and made a hasty beeline for the suite door. I didn't stop for coffee or breakfast. I could either rectify the lack of caffeine on my way to the restaurant or I'd ask Julie to get me some. There were many perks to having an assistant, but having someone on standby to feed my caffeine addiction was definitely one of the best.

  My phone rang just as I started to open the door and rather than stop to answer it and delay my progress further, I decided to keep going and fish for it at the same time.

  And because of that stupid decision, the rest of my day got fucked and not in a good way.

  As my hand wrapped around my phone, I rushed into the hallway and crashed into a solid wall standing right in front of it.

  "What the fuck?”

  The word slipped out of my mouth before it could be stopped and even though I slapped my hand across my lips, it was too late. My big decision to get a handle on my penchant for cussing while I was here was not off to a good start.

  Of course to make things worse, my bag slipped from my shoulders and crashed to the ground, making all of its contents go flying. I also lost my grip on the still ringing phone and with a sudden twist to look down, I lost my balance too.

  However, before I could land flat on my face like this kind of an incident required, a strong pair of hands grabbed my arms and caught me before I hit the floor.

  They also righted me so that I was staring straight at a broad chest covered by a workout top that left little to the imagination. Scratch that. My imagination had plenty of room to interpret those muscles and the glisten of sweat covering them.

  My gaze had just traveled to his bulging biceps covered by taut tanned skin when he cleared his throat, catching my attention.

  "Crap." I winced.

  Okay that was at least better than fuck, but I still had a long way to go.

  My gaze shot upward and I wished to holy hell it didn't. Because oh my god I had just come face to face with Vincent Cabrini for the first time since I'd walked out on him in Italy, salacious pictures of us in hand.

  "In a hurry, beautiful?"

  "What are you doing here?" I hated the high pitched sound of my voice just then, but it couldn't be helped. As much as I knew my seeing him again was inevitable, I'd had no time to prepare myself for it.

  As if I'd ever be prepared for this.

  "I'm preparing for my next fight," he said, a definite smirk quirking at his lips.

  I sighed, frustrated that he misunderstood. "I know that. I mean what are you doing here? Right this minute. At my door."

  His expression didn't change, but the light in his eyes did. I could see the amusement dancing there and I didn't like it one bit. It felt like it was at my expense.

  "I am at the elevator. I'm heading to the gym for training."

  That answer got me looking at his muscles again. Especially his arms. I loved the chorded definition of his forearms. They'd looked especially good when he'd been naked with his hand wrapped firmly at my throat.

  I'd been on my knees and the view alone had almost made me weep.

  I nearly groaned at the image that brought to my mind. Mostly because my entire body perked up, including the nipples behind my way too thin bra. A deep jolt went through my lower belly at the same time.

  This was exactly why I'd needed time to prepare myself to see him again. I might hate him with every fiber of my being for the role he played in exploding my life, but that didn't seem to stop my body from reacting to the memories of us together in Italy before my world ended.

  Nor did it seem to mind that he was standing perilously close to me now. The intimacy of which went far beyond simple personal space. I gulped for air and took a step back. I needed a clear head for this, dammit.

  "You look like you've already worked out." Why was my throat suddenly so dry?

  A smile twitched at his lips again. "Just a warm up in my suite. Now the real workout begins."

  Oh. My. God. Why did every word out of his mouth sound sexual? And why did it have to remind me of my
time in his bed? I wanted to forget.


  Oh how I wanted to slap that inner voice for her treachery. Bitch could stick it where the sun didn't shine for all I cared.

  Before I could come up with a proper response, the elevator across from my suite softly dinged and the doors swished silently open.

  "Going down?" he asked.

  I nearly whimpered. Hand to God. All I could do was shake my head because no way in hell was I getting into an enclosed space with this man. Hate be damned. I couldn't be trusted alone with him.

  I'd either fuck him or kill him and there was about a fifty percent chance of that going either way.

  "Beautiful. We should talk. If I didn't have someone waiting for me I'd take you to breakfast now. How about we meet for a drink later?"

  That simple question made something click as all the desire coursing through my body instantly evaporated. Drinks? Was he kidding me?

  We weren't on any level that would make it okay to have drinks. He was insane if that's what he thought.

  "No," I hissed. "We are not old friends meeting to catch up and we will not be having drinks or anything else together. So get that out of your head right now. There's a reason I haven't returned any of your calls and you damn well know what it is."

  Suddenly I needed to get away from him more than I needed my next breath. But my room key was somewhere on the floor with the rest of my purse contents and I was afraid to take my eyes off of him.

  "You can't hide from me forever. At least give me a chance to explain and apologize."

  My mouth dropped open at the cavalier tone of his voice like what he'd done to me could be wiped away with an explanation and a simple apology."

  "You can take your apology and stick it up your as—"

  I didn't get to finish that last word because he'd grabbed me around the waist and pulled me against his body at the same time his mouth claimed mine.

  Hard, demanding lips that reminded me just how much he liked to be in charge and just how much I'd liked it when he took control, devoured me.

  I raised my palms to push him away and instead when they connected with the searing heat of his chest, I sighed, opening my mouth enough for his tongue to sweep inside.

  My head spun at the heady sensation of his hard body pressed to mine as he took and took and took. I stopped short at completely kissing him back, but I also made no other move to stop him.

  Only when he pulled back and stared down at me with heat in his eyes did I even take a breath. I could feel the swell of my lips as his fingers reached up to touch me there.

  "Meet me this afternoon at four o'clock. There is a quiet bar at the end of this hall. It will be private, but not so private as to make you uncomfortable. Then we can figure this out."

  I managed to shake my head, but no words accompanied it. And of course he ignored it. Because he would.

  He took several steps away from me, entering the elevator while still facing me. "Four o'clock. I will see you then. Ciao."

  I was still standing there mute as the doors closed and he disappeared from my life once again as easily as he'd entered it.

  As my body reveled in the contact high from his touch, the rest of me filled with shame. I had no business feeling anything other than hatred for Vincent Cabrini and if I had to remind myself of what a deceitful dirt bag he was every minute of the day, that's what I would do. Until I got it through my thick head once and for all.

  He could not be trusted.

  He'd used me.

  He'd helped my ex-husband blackmail me.

  And if he thought I was meeting him this afternoon or any other time for drinks, he'd lost his fucking mind.




  I waited another thirty seconds and then stabbed at the elevator call button, hoping I'd given all the fucks I had to give. No matter how badly I wanted to retreat to my suite, I wasn't about to give him the satisfaction.

  I had a party to prepare for and guests to wow.

  Vincent meant nothing to me no matter how good he smelled.

  The last thing I would do was spend the next eight hours thinking about him and that stupid kiss.

  Chapter Four


  I checked my watch for the second time in ten minutes, knowing full well that she wasn't just late. I'd taken a chance inviting her for drinks all while expecting it would not be that easy to gain her attention.

  Not that I expected anything less from her. Zia was as stubborn and hard headed as they came. I'd always viewed her as a challenge in one way or another and it was precisely for that reason she intrigued me.

  Well, that and her many other attributes. Her unconventional beauty mesmerized me almost as much as her relentless worth ethic. I didn't think it possible anyone could work harder than I did, until I met her.

  And the way she looked while doing it... Dark hair that she kept tightly wrapped in a bun at the top of her head when she was too busy to deal with it. Although I knew how unruly and wild it flowed when she finally took it down. It cascaded down her back and kissed the top of her luscious ass. It also felt like thick strands of silk when gripped in my hands.

  Even darker eyes that were like windows to her soul when she allowed it, which I doubted was often. Lips more full than most and not because she had them injected with fillers like so many celebrities these days. By nature they were a dusky pink color that beckoned me to kiss them.

  Her kisses. Those were like a fucking drug that I couldn't get enough of.

  I hadn't intended to kiss her when she ran into me outside the elevator, but I didn't regret it one bit. I'd thought almost nonstop about tasting her again. To the point I'd nearly convinced myself that it wasn't as good as I'd remembered.

  Of course I'd been wrong.

  She was everything I ever wanted and everything I never could've had.

  She was also definitely still pissed and I couldn't blame her for that. I'd been an asshole and given little thought to two men laying down a challenge to be the next in her bed.

  I thrive on a challenge and on being an arrogant prick every chance I get, so when I'd caught my first glimpse of her in person I wanted in. I hadn't even cared about anyone else's motives or the why of it all. Right or wrong, nothing could have stopped me.

  Although in the case of the pictures that turned up of us, that was a different story and one I was still trying to figure out. And maybe if she gave me half a chance we could not only find our way past what I'd done, we could solve the rest of the situation.

  Her douchebag of an ex had been the worst with his bullshit lies.

  I should have questioned the rumors swirling around the party about her cheating, deceitful heart. My instincts had told me she wasn't the type. Don't get me wrong. I didn't believe for one second she was an angel. She had a good heart though and I'd watched it get shattered into a thousand pieces when those pictures of us had arrived.

  Anger simmered in my veins as I remembered the hurt in her eyes. It didn't matter that I had nothing to do with them or any awareness they were being taken. I'd chosen to play the game and we'd gotten involved in a way that said otherwise and it fell on me to make sure our time together took place in a safe space.

  There were certain aspects of my desires that required an inordinate amount of trust on her part and I'd broken that without intention.

  I just couldn't figure out how the asshole ex could have taken them and why. They'd felt like a threat, but so far nothing had come of them. I'd also never authorized his entry into my villa. I'd taken steps to protect myself before approaching the Rossi family. No one had access to me and my space like that. No one.

  Those pictures though. I'd kept the set delivered by courier that morning. Hard not to once I saw them.



  Tied to my bed...

  My dick went hard just thinking about it again.

  She belonged with me.


  I wasn't going to settle for anything less.


  We weren't there anymore, but we would be if it killed me to get it done.

  I gulped down another swallow of whiskey and placed the empty glass on the bar.

  "Another, sir?" The bartender asked.

  "No thanks." My mind had moved on to Zia's other attributes, in particular her dirty mind and I didn't need to add any fuel to that already slow burning fire inside my belly.

  A good heart and a dirty mind were a potent combination for a man like me and she had no idea the affect she had on me.

  I definitely wasn't done with Zia. Not for the evening or the foreseeable future. Just because she'd ignored my invitation as expected, didn't mean she'd be able to get away later. I'd made sure of that.

  "There you are."

  I ground my back teeth at the sound of Brian's voice. My manager had been so far up my ass lately I was ready to throttle him. It was time to make some managerial changes. I didn't want a manager any longer. The business was changing and an organizational restructure was called for.

  "If you say so," I responded, rethinking my decision not to have another drink. But I had a fight coming up and I was in training mode. I couldn't afford anymore indulgences that could compromise everything I'd worked so hard for.

  Except her.

  "I've been texting you all day. Why haven't you responded?"

  I slowly turned to face Brian even though he was the last person I wanted to talk to right now. Anyone with half a brain should know that if your text messages are being ignored there's a god damned reason and you should back the fuck off.

  "Been a little busy. Got a fight to train for, remember?" Not that I felt the need to explain anything to him anymore. Something between us had changed since we'd been in Italy and I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

  Well, other than the niggling at the back of my mind that Brian might have helped someone set Zia up. Something I had no proof of and seemed like a stretch. Still, I would be on guard until I figured out the mystery of my manager.